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How to enjoy an Inspired, Financially-free Retirement?

Retirement is a taboo topic to talk about during reunions or family get together. Questions such as when do you like to retire? Or, what is your ideal age of retirement? Are just some of the questions that we do n't often talk about.  Why? Because I believe most of us do not want to retire, so we do not set up a retirement plans. We want to work all our lives!

According to the 2019 Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index Philippines has the worst retirement system in the world. For this reason, what are we doing folks? Is there something worth noting which help to make a change?

With the rising cost of living and the high cost of elderly care, many Filipinos could not provide for their own needs when they reach retirement age for so many odd reasons. But wait, it's not too late, you can still make a difference in your life when you reach your desired retirement age.